6.33. Latest changes
This section describes the latest changes to the software.
6.33.1. 5.0.0 released on 05 Mar 2025
Webmap migrated to React with many new features.
The identification panel enabled by default, replacing webmap popups.
Resource editing interface fully migrated to React.
New feature display page and modal dialog with vector tile geometries.
Enhanced resource deletion confirmation with details of resources to delete.
On-demand webmap legend symbol loading, optimizing webmap opening time.
Configurable SSL mode for PostGIS connections.
Handling of invalid geometries for MVT vector tiles.
Better support for date and time fields in WFS clients.
Expanded JSON output format capabilities in WMS services.
Improved handling of fid fields in feature layers.
Extended resource search HTTP API.
Pre-calculated and cached style scale ranges for faster webmap opening.
Chrome 118+, Safari 17+, Edge 116+, or Firefox 115+ is required.
All legacy AMD modules migrated to TypeScript, and Dojo dependency removed.
Experimental support for Python 3.10.
Improved track display with a distinguishable style.
Fixed rounding of speed, direction, and HDOP in webmap popup.
6.33.2. 4.9.0 released on 06 Okt 2024
New resource creation dialog.
Identification panel replaces popup on the webmap.
Font management in the control panel.
Preview layers without leaving the current page.
Preview of the basemap on the resource editing page.
Support for empty geometries when importing vector layers.
Customizable web map title.
WFS client component turned on by default.
Data structure permission scope removed.
TUS uploader is available using CORS.
All of resource widgets migrated to Antd and React.
Fix uploading of zero-length files.
6.33.3. 4.8.1 released on 20 Sep 2024
Fix audit journal display.
Fix WMS service layer adding.
6.33.4. 4.8.0 released on 17 Jul 2024
Customizable print layout including legend.
Exclusive layer groups on webmaps.
User-defined favorite resource pages.
Measurement SRS configuration per-webmap.
Experimental support for feature versioning.
Better handling of incomplete geometry parts.
Show feature attachment descriptions in the viewer.
Extent information in PostGIS layer diagnostics.
Transparent annotation polygons for better visibility.
Switch to nearest neighbor resampling for raster pyramids.
Experimental support for NULL geometries.
Support for upper-case placeholders in TMS connections.
Metadata permission scope and webmap display permission removed.
Sentry client-side JavaScript integrations.
Cache seeding and invalidation removed, use NextGIS GeoServices instead.
Most of resource widgets migrated to Antd and React.
6.33.5. 4.7.0 released on 04 Apr 2024
Turn legend categories on/off for a better experience on webmaps.
Lots of customization options for embedded webmaps: map tools and panels.
Ability to exclude feature layer fields from text search.
Configurable permissions for groups, users, SRS and CORS management.
Enhanced feature attachment viewer now includes panoramic images support.
Ctrl+click opens feature attachment in a fixed tab.
Ability to copy printing parameters as a URL for sharing.
Support for custom SVG logos in addition to PNG.
Add export to CSV and import from CSV for lookup tables.
Support for multiple replicas and long-runnning requests.
Update minimum required NodeJS version to 20.0.
Fix permission dependencies on QGIS style parent resources.
Copying QGIS styles from one to another.
6.33.6. 4.6.2 released on 02 Mar 2023
Expanded list of allowed CORS headers.
6.33.7. 4.6.1 released on 27 Dec 2023 and 29 Dec 2023
Fix styles for WFS layers.
6.33.8. 4.6.0 released on 27 Dec 2023 and 29 Dec 2023
Support for lookup tables for feature layer attributes.
Print to TIFF format in addition to PDF, JPEG and PNG.
Geometry-based filtering of feature tables on webmaps.
Autodetection of minimum and maximum scales for webmap and WMS layers.
Refresh feature tables after saving layer changes on webmaps.
Improved handling of
attributes of vector layers.Improved handling of date and time inputs.
Passing a zoom level to webmaps via
attribute.Support for OpenID Connect UserInfo endpoint.
Extraction of scale ranges from QML styles.
Fix NextGIS ID configuration issue.
Support for PostgreSQL 12.
4.5.1 released on 17 Nov 2023
Fix print to TIFF format in addition to PDF, JPEG and PNG.
4.5.0 released on 29 Sep 2023
New tileset resource for storing and serving prerendered tiles.
New OGC API Features service with read and write support.
Up to 2x speed-up of loading vector layer data.
Differentiate webmap intial and contstraining extents.
Support for Google Analytics metrics.
Support for basic user-defined styles.
Save to PDF from the webmap printing panel.
Check effective permissions of other users for a resource.
Legends for webmaps is enabled by default.
Lots of improvements in feature editing widgets.
OutputFormat declaration in WFS for better compatibility.
Store audit journal in PostgreSQL database instead of ElasticSearch.
React library upgraded to 18.
Ant Design library upgraded to 5.
4.4.0 released on 30 Jun 2023
Auto-generated and configurable legends for webmaps.
Reordering layers via drag-and-drop while viewing webmaps.
Changing layer opacity while viewing webmaps.
Creation of an empty vector layer without uploading a file.
Ability to replace existing vector layer features and fields from a file.
Brand-new feature table based on React.
Resource and feature description editors updated to CKEditor 5.
Improved handling of resource descriptions on webmaps.
Zoom to a filtered set of features on webmaps.
Geometry properties in the identification popup.
Show the cursor location and the current extent on webmaps.
Zoom to all layers on webmaps.
Support for linear and polygonal annotations.
Default display names for resources during creation.
Deletion of all features and changing geometry type for vector layers.
Limit by extent while exporting feature layers.
Ability to export a filtered set of features.
MapInfo formats support when creating a vector layer.
TMS client: parallel fetching of tiles and HTTP/2.
Reasonable resource tabs ordering and auto-activation.
Improved usability of the layers tree on webmaps.
Fast PNG compression for rendering.
Chrome 102+, Safari 15+, Edge 109+ or Firefox 102+ is required.
User permissions section is moved to a separate page.
OAuth-based automatic group assignment.
4.3.1 released on 14 Dec 2022
Fix resource group selection issue while cloning webmaps
4.3.0 released on 21 Nov 2022
Support for webmap cloning via UI.
Search by coordinates on web maps.
CSV and XLSX support when creating a vector layer.
Export and import feature layer attachments.
Vector layer export to KML and KMZ formats.
Fields selection while exporting feature layer.
Assign default groups while creating users via UI.
Experimental support for authorization links.
Use resource SRS by default while exporting raster and vector layers.
Support for booleans and nulls in resource metadata.
Support for fixed length character columns in PostGIS layers.
Support for materialized views and 25D geometries in PostGIS layers.
Ability to turn off user password and keep only OAuth authentication.
Check for disk free space in the healthcheck.
Ability to search through resources recursively in REST API.
OpenLayers library upgraded to 6.15.1.
4.2.0 released on 18 Jul 2022
“Locate me” tool on web maps.
Identifiable setting for web map layers.
Batch deletion and moving of resources.
Ability to download raster layers as an internal representation.
PostGIS connection and layer diagnostic tool.
Support for quad-key basemaps on web maps.
OAuth improvements: NextGIS ID integration, simultaneous authorization code and password grant types.
Improved management of spatial reference systems and catalog integration.
Better support for 25D geometries on web maps and PostGIS layers.
Improved handling of URLs in descriptions and feature layer fields.
Cloud-optimized GeoTIFF (COG) enabled by default.
In-place conversion between COG and non-COG rasters.
Hide empty groups and groups with no accessible layers on web maps.
M dimension stripping while creating vector layers in LOSSY mode.
Selecting features on web maps via hl_* URL parameters.
Ability to inject some HTML into the base template for metrics and counters.
Fast JSON serialization and deserialization based on orjson library.
Completed control panel migration to Antd and React.
4.1.0 released on 16 Feb 2022
Cloud-optimized GeoTIFF (COG) support for raster layers.
Browser compatibility test and Internet Explorer deprecation.
Experimental support for long-runnning requests for raster and vector layers creation using lunkwill extension.
Private annotations on web maps, visible only for authors.
Wrapping around the dateline for tile-based layers on web maps.
A lot of improvements for the control panel: filters, batch operations, etc.
Improved handling of vector layer sources with id and geom fields.
Reprojection into different coordinate systems in WMS and WFS services.
Export feature layer using field display names (aliases) instead of keynames.
WFS client and server simple filters support.
Improved handling of coordinates outside boundaries of coordinate systems.
Support for 25D geometries in PostGIS layers.
Ability to filter NULL values in feature REST API.
Unknown fields in REST API filters return an error.
Improved handling of external services errors and timeouts.
Upgraded dependencies: Pyramid 2.0, SQLAlchemy 1.4, and OpenLayers 6.10
4.0.0 released on 18 Nov 2021
Source layer selection while creating vector layers from multi-layer sources, such as ZIP-archives or Mapinfo TABs.
On-the-fly reprojection for WMS and WFS services.
Ability to restrict address search by a country if using Nominatim.
Hide inaccessible layers while displaying web maps.
Highlight feature when selecting from search results.
Display emails as active mailto: links in the webmap popup.
Ability to delete users and groups from the control panel.
Ability to change resource owner in UI and REST API.
Automatic generation of keynames for WMS and WFS services.
Improved support for Unicode field names for WFS services.
Granular control setting for resource export availability.
ISO-8601 date and time formatting in feature layer REST API via dt_format=iso option.
Drop Python 2.7 support, NextGIS Web now requires Python 3.8+.
PostgreSQL 10+, PostGIS 2.5+ and GDAL 3.0+ are required now.
Synchronization of translations with POEditor.
Yandex Maps-based address search on the webmap.
3.9.0 released on 11 Aug 2021
Simple tool for previewing resources on the map.
Resource quick search tool in the page header.
Disable/enable address search via settings in the control panel.
Ability to constraint address search area by web map initial extent.
Zoom to a better extent from address search and bookmark panel.
Language autodetection, per-user language setting, and support for the external translation files.
Automatic downsampling of a social preview image to 1600x630 pixels.
Better support for KML: LIBKML GDAL driver is used when available.
Filtering features by ID in feature REST API.
Layers with an “id” field can be loaded if the field has an integer type.
Information about available distribution versions in the control panel.
Experimental storage accounting and estimation subsystem.
3.8.0 released on 12 May 2021
Ability to constraint a web map to the default extent.
More length and area units in web map settings.
Automatic correction of errors during the creation of a vector layer.
Support for creation of vector layers from GML and KML files.
User login is case insensitive when logging in.
Configuration option for disabling social networks sharing buttons.
Performance improvements in geometry handling and rendering, especially when converting between WKT and WKB formats.
Performance improvements in tile cache component.
Improved word wrapping in web map identification popup.
Minimum and maximum scale restrictions in WMS server.
Experimental integration of modern JavaScript and Webpack.
Quota for the maximum number of enabled users.
OpenLayers library upgraded to 6.5.0.
OAuth server logout support via logout redirect endpoint.
Add database migrations framework and automatic migrations applying.
External access links for styles, web maps (TMS), and feature layers (MVT).
Experimental WFS client and raster mosaic, which is disabled by default.
Add support of 1.1.0 version in WFS server implementation.
Improved handling of NODATA values in raster layer and raster style.
Compression level of PNG images is set to 3, which is much faster.
Performance improvements and better concurrency for tile cache.
New “CSV for Microsoft Excel” export format for better Excel compatibility.
Fix infinite wait of database lock, including during vector layer deletion.
Improved handling of invalid JSON bodies in RESP API, now the correct error message is returned.
Vector layer export to MapInfo MIF/MID format.
Vector layer export to Panorama SXF format.
Major improvements and bug fixes in WFS protocol implementation.
Permission model changes: now any action on resource requires read permission from scope resource on the resource and its parent.
PostGIS layer extent calculation and improved extent calculation in vector layer.
Vector layer export to GeoPackage format.
Faster processing of empty tiles and images.
Tile cache and webmap annotations are enabled by default.
Command to delete orphaned vector layer tables.
HTTP API with resource permissions explanation.
Support for like, geom and extensions in feature layer REST API.
Support for GeoJSON files in ZIP-archive and faster ZIP-archive unpacking.
Clickable resource links in webmap, WMS and WFS services.
Ability to disable SSL certificate check for TMS connection.
Lookup table component is part of nextgisweb core package nextgisweb.
Fix TMS layer tile composition in case of extent outside the bounds.
Fix GDAL > 3 compability issues, including axis orientation.
SVG marker library resource available to renderers.
Raster layer export to GeoTIFF, ERDAS IMAGINE and Panorama RMF formats.
Customizable link preview for resources.
Improved resource picker: inappropriate resources are disabled now.
New implementation of WFS server which fixes many bugs.
Quad-key support in TMS connection and layer.
Support for geom_format and srs in feature layer REST API (POST / PUT requests).
Session-based OAuth authentication with token refresh support.
Delete users and groups via REST API.
Track timestamps of user’s last activity.
Customization of web map identify popup via control panel.
Speedup cleanup of file storage maintenance and cleanup.
Fix bulk feature deletion API when passing an empty list.
Fix bug in CORS implementation for requests returning errors.
Fix coordinates display format in web map identification popup.
Fix tile distortion issue for raster styles
Fix WMS layer creation.
Fix layout scroll bug in vector layer fields editing.
New tus-based file uploader. Check for size limits before starting an upload.
Server-side TMS-client. New resource types: TMS connection and TMS layer.
Create, delete and reorder fields for existing vector layer.
Improved Sentry integration.
WMS service layer ordering.
Stay on the same page after login.
Error messages improvements on trying to: render non-existing layer, access non-existing attachment or write a geometry to a layer with a different geometry type.
2020-06-30 release
General. Add/remove fields of attributes table.
General. Reorder fields of attributes table.
2020-06-24 release
General. Support raster pyramids for QGIS style for raster layers.
2020-06-05 release
General. New data uploader. Check for size limits before starting an upload.
General. Stay on the same page on login to the same page.
General. Human readable error on trying to access non-existing attachment.
General. Human readable error on trying to render non-existing layer.
General. Human readable error on trying to write a geometry to a layer with a different geometry type.
General. Improve handling rasters with huge size.
Extensions. Whitelabel - new extension to set corporate interface elements (logos, links, company mentions etc.).
2020-04-16 release
For developers. Single feature extent endpoint. Example: https://demo.nextgis.com/api/resource/1735/feature/1/extent
For developers. Ordering for data filtering. Reverse ordering and two and more field ordering are supported. Example: https://demo.nextgis.com/api/resource/1731/feature/?limit=10&order_by=NAME,-LEISURE
Admin GUI. Prohibit blocking of the last (the only) administrator in the system.
2020-03-03 release
Services. Fix declared CRS for WMS containing raster layers.
Services. Fix RGBA conversion to JPG on WMS requests.
2020-02-12 release
Storage. Support for storing Z-type geometries, PolygonZ etc.
For developers. API can accept and provide Z-type geometries.
2019-11-18 release
Storage. Support for numeric-type fields on layers added from external PostgreSQL/PostGIS
Search. Improve address search (uses Nominatim)
For developers. In addition to style IDs Web Map API now provides layer IDs.
2019-11-06 release
Printing. Zooming with the box now correctly fit the zoomed area with chosen paper format (A4 etc.)
2019-10-17 release
CRS. Import from ESRI WKT (in addition to OGC WKT)
CRS. Unicode in CRS names is now supported.
CRS. Identification doesn’t crash anymore if CRS transformation was not possible.
2019-08-12 release
Web Map. Search for integer values in added to the embedded feature table.
Web Map. Improved zooming on a point from the embedded feature table.
Web Map. While editing the embedded feature table is correctly updated to show newly added features.