6.11. Web Map Cloning

With NextGIS Web you can create a copy of an existing Web Map by cloning it. To copy a Web Map, select “Clone” in the actions pane of its resource page. You will be redirected to “Clone Web Map” page to set up the location of the copy in the resource tree and the name for it.


Pic. 6.182. “Clone Web Map” page

A magnifying glass icon in the right end of the “Resource group” field opens the group selection pop-up window.

This window contains the following elements:

  1. Search bar and path to the resource the copy will be created in

  2. Return to the initial folder (the one containing the original Web Map), refresh the resource tree state and close the window

  3. Option button to select a group (folder)

  4. Open the selected group (folder)

  5. Create new resource group (folder)

  6. Clear selection

  7. Button that complets group selection. If a group (folder) is selected, the button reads “Clone to selected group”. If no group is selected, it reads “Clone to this folder”, in this case the copy will be created in the group currently open (the path to it is indicated in the top panel of the pop-up window).


Pic. 6.183. Group selection window