1.44. Problem Solving (Q&A)

In this section you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about using Web GIS.

1.44.1. How to sign in to Web GIS I have a Web GIS. How do sign in?

In the upper right corner press “Sign in”, then select “Sign in with NextGIS ID”. Enter the credentials of your global NextGIS account (username or email used for registration and password). If you forgot your password or login, see instructions below. I want to let another user access my Web GIS. How can I do it?

  1. The user creates an account on my.nextgis.com.

  2. The owner of the Web GIS goes to the Team page and adds a new team member by username.

  3. The user logs in with NextGIS ID.

1.44.2. Access recovery and passwords I forgot my account password (NextGIS ID). What to do?

To recover a password from NextGIS ID, follow these steps:

  1. Go to my.nextgis.com

  2. Select “Forgot password?”


Pic. 1.207. Password recovery NextGIS ID I forgot both username and password of my account. What to do?

If you lost both username (email) and password from your account and can’t recover access to your Web GIS, follow these steps:

  1. Write us at support@nextgis.com with the address of your Web GIS. Add information that will help us identify you as the owner of this Web GIS. Agreement number or paid invoice or any other information.

  2. We will let you know in a reply what your login is.

  3. Use instruction above “I forgot my account password (NextGIS ID). What to do?” to recover your password and futher access to your account. I forgot the password from the user administrator of my Web GIS and can not log in. What to do?

If you have forgotten the password from the administrator of your Web GIS, restore it using the following instructions:

  1. Go to my.nextgis.com

  2. Sign in with NextGIS ID

  3. Go to Web GIS Settings

  4. Click Change Web GIS Password

  5. Enter and confirm a new password

Wait for the confirmation message by email. Then you can log in to your Web GIS administrator user and specified password.


Pic. 1.208. Changing Web GIS Administrator Password I forgot the password for Web GIS user created by the administrator

If you have forgotten the password for any user who is not a Web GIS administrator, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Web GIS https://username.nextgis.com/ as user administrator

  2. Open the main menu in the upper right corner of the interface

  3. Go to Control Panel

  4. Open the user list

  5. Change the password in the user settings


Pic. 1.209. List of Web GIS users


Pic. 1.210. Changing Web GIS User Password

1.44.3. Personal data What personal data are stored by NextGIS services?

  1. Log in with your account at https://my.nextgis.com. See FAQ sections above to restore access.

  2. Go to Profile, Profile management section

  3. Choose Data export, press Request data.

You will receive a copy of your personal data processed by NextGIS. How do I completely remove all personal data stored at NextGIS?

  1. Log in with your account at https://my.nextgis.com. See FAQ sections above to restore access.

  2. Go to Profile, Profile management section

  3. Choose Profile removal, press Delete profile.

Your profile and personal data will be completely deleted. This can’t be undone.

1.44.4. Two NextGIS accounts. Background

NextGIS is growing fast and it has several services and products that use authorization. Web GIS is one of this services.

As a rule, a typical NextGIS platform user needs 2 accounts: a global and a local one. But, for some specific tasks, it is possible that just one of them will be enough. Global account

Most services require a global account. This is the typical account that acts uniformly almost everywhere. It gives access to all services.

This account is created by registration at http://my.nextgis.com. Email or login and password provided during registration can be used to sign in with services. Local account (your Web GIS account)

Historically, NextGIS’ main service is Web GIS. Unlike other services that use centralized database of users, each Web GIS has its own account system that operates locally within that Web GIS.

For example, each Web GIS has administrator user. Its locality results in that it is impossible to enter one Web GIS with the administrator account of another Web GIS. Other services and applications automatically do not know anything about this user, unless it is indicated which Web GIS he is from.

These accounts are created in the Web GIS control panel by a user with appropriate authority (usually administrator). They are not tied to any E-mails. Which account to use and where

NextGIS Web (Web GIS)

  • Creation of Web GIS itself - global account.

  • Any actions requiring authorization - a local account created in this Web GIS.

NextGIS Collector

  • Login and Data Collection - global account.

NextGIS Mobile

  • Unlocking additional functions of the application - global account.

  • Connecting layers from Web GIS (need to unlock first) - a local account of this Web GIS.


  • Unlocking additional functions of the application - global account.

  • Connecting layers from Web GIS through NextGIS Connect - a local account of this Web GIS.

NextGIS Formbuilder

  • Unlocking additional functions of the application - global account.

  • Sending/receiving forms to/from Web GIS (need to unlock first) - a local account of this Web GIS.

NextGIS Data

  • Receiving ordered data - global account.

NextGIS Toolbox

  • Running tools - global account.


  • Creating services - global account.

NextGIS Geoservices

  • Getting tiles (OSM /vector, raster/), requests for information on the blocks and areas - global account.