1.4. Teams
1.4.1. Team information
In the “Teams” section of your profile there are two tabs. In the “Owner” tab you can see the list of NextGIS users added to your team, if you have one. On the “Member” tab you can see the teams you participate in.
In the teams list you can find a link to the owner’s Web GIS that you can access as a team member.
User who have “Free” subscription plan cannot create their own teams, but can be added as team members by a user that has Premium subscription.
1.4.2. Team management
This functionality is only available for Premium users.
According to nextgis.com plans, the Premium account holder has an opportunity to give access to Premium-functions of NextGIS QGIS, Mobile и Formbuilder to 4 more users who have a NextGIS ID.
Team management allows adding any NextGIS user by username to your team. Team management is available through your personal account at https://my.nextgis.com/teammanage in the Team section (see Pic. 1.9.).
By default, the team includes the owner of the Premium subscription (see Pic. 1.10.). The owner can add team members by clicking the Add button and finding them by using their NextGIS ID username (see Pic. 1.11.). Team members must already be registered on my.nextgis.com. The username can be seen in the profile. Team member will have Free plan under subscription, it’s normal, he/she will also have access Premium-functionality.
If the user has forgotten his username and cannot login, he can restore access.
Each added team member will appear in the list (see Pic. 1.7.). At any moment, a team member can be removed and/or replaced by another if the limit of the team is reached (see Pic. 1.12.).
1.4.3. Allow team members to access Web GIS
Users added to the team do not automatically become users of the Web GIS. To get access to the Web GIS, the user must log in to it. By default a new Web GIS user has no permissions. Set up permissions for your team before their first login. It can be done in one of two ways:
The best way is to set up permissions for a user group with the option “New users” enabled. Users will be included in this group upon their first login to the Web GIS.
An alternative way is to set up permissions for the principal “Authenticated”.