8.12. QTiles
This plugin generates raster tiles from QGIS project for selected zoom levels and tile naming conventions (Slippy Map or TMS).
Raster tilesets like this are used for example in mobile GIS for field work without Internet connection. Packages can be used in NextGIS Mobile, GeoPaparazzi, simple Leaflet-based viewer or MBTiles.
After installation you’ll find the plugin in the Plugins toolbar: .
To create a tileset open the QGIS project you want to create tiles from.
Activate the plugin.

Pic. 8.34. Tileset parameters
In the dialog window you can configure the following settings (see Pic. 8.34.):
Tileset name
Output - you can select one of the options:
File - tiles are saved ar ZIP or MBTiles;
Directory - tiles are saved in subfolders;
NGM - creates a NGRC package for NextGIS Mobile.
Canvas extent - the extent is set to the area of the project visible in QGIS at the moment;
Full extent
Layer extent - select a layer of the project to set the extent.
Zoom - min and max zoom to display the tiles.
Additionally you can configure tile parameters: size in pixels, format (PNG / JPG) etc.
See how the plugin works in our video:
Watch on youtube.