8.3. QuickMapServices

With this plugin you can quickly add a basemap to you QGIS project. Raster basemap is often the first layer to be added to a project. You can add OpenStreetMap layer, UTM zones borders etc.

Basemap can be in the form of a Web service: TMS, WMS, WMTS, ESRI ArcGIS Service, or symply XYZ tiles.

Most used basemaps are gathered in he QuickMapServices dropdown menu Pic. 8.4.. Also you can search for any service added to QMS database by using the search bar Pic. 8.5..

Full catalog of QuickMapServices is available on https://qms.nextgis.com/. You can add your own basemaps to the catalog.

8.3.2. Settings

To open the plugin settings, go to Web ‣ QuickMapServices ‣ Settings.


Pic. 8.7. QMS settings General settings

Open the settings menu from the plugin menu. On this tab you can configure the following parameters:

  1. Automatically reproject to EPSG: 3857 Pseudo Mercator);

  2. Show info/error message in message bar. By default they are displayed in a pop-up window.


Pic. 8.8. General settings Tiles settings

  1. Maximal connection count for tile download.

  2. Cache expiration - how long the downloaded tiles are stored, in hours.

  3. Tiles download timeout, milliseconds.


Pic. 8.9. Tiles settings Add/Edit/Remove

On this tab you can manage groups and services. Visibility

On this tab you can choose which services will be displayed in the QMS dropdown menu.


Pic. 8.10. Visibility settings

By default, there are two services in the plugin, both displayed. To download additional services, to to the “More services” tab. Add more services

On this tab you can download a package of additional services. Click Get contributed pack:


Pic. 8.11. Downloading additional services


If you plan to make a derivative work based on a basemap added from the Internet, please read the terms of use for that basemap so as not to violate copyright laws. If you use OSM Mapnik, all you need to do is add «© OpenStreetMap contributors (osm.org)». Other basemaps and satellite images may have more restrictions.