8.21. OSMPoly_export

With this plugin you can export the selected features of a multi-polygon layer or the entire layer as poly-file.

This type of file can be opened in the OpenStreetMap editor JOSM.

After installation the plugin will appear in the Vector toolbar: button_osmpoly.

  • Select the layer in the Layers panel of QGIS.

  • Select the features you want to export. Activate the plugin.


If no features are selected, the entire layer is exported. You’ll get a warning message about it.

  • In the pop-up dialog select a string field that contains values to be used as names of poly-files.


Pic. 8.43. Selecting field for file name

  • Enter the path to the target folder.

Every polygon of the layer will be exported as a separate poly-file.

Check out how the plugin works in our video:

Watch on youtube.