8.2.13. Points2One

This plugin connects points in a layer to form lines and polygons, grouping them by source layer attributes.

After installation the plugin will appear in the Vector toolbar: button_points2one.

In the plugin dialog configure the parameters:

  • Input layer - layer of points to be used as vertices;

  • Create polygons / Create lines - select the type of features you want to create;

  • Closed - select to have the line end in the point where it begins;

  • Group features by - select the field to be used for grouping;

  • Sort vertices by - select a field to be used to sort the vertices of the lines or polygons;

  • Then by - additional field to sort by after the initial one;

  • Output shapefile - select folder where the out ESRI Shapefile will be created;

  • Encoding - select from a list;

  • Add result to canvas.

If the points are not grouped, the vertices are sorted by the point ID.

See the plugin at work in our video:

Watch on youtube.