10. NextGIS Mobile
- 10.1. Introduction
- 10.2. Installation
- 10.3. Authorization
- 10.4. User interface (UI)
- 10.5. Adding layers
- 10.5.1. Creating new vector layer
- 10.5.2. Creating vector layer from GeoJSON data
- 10.5.3. Creating vector layer from Custom forms (NGFP)
- 10.5.4. Creating raster layer from Tile cache (XYZ/TMS)
- 10.5.5. Creating raster layer from Tile cache (NGRC)
- 10.5.6. Creating raster layer from external geoservice
- 10.5.7. Adding geodata from Web GIS
- 10.6. Editing layers
- 10.7. Tracks
- 10.8. Exporting data
- 10.9. Layer settings
- 10.10. Integration with NextGIS Web
- 10.11. Logging
- 10.12. Solving problem (Q&A)
- 10.13. Simulation of location data