5.3. Services

5.3.1. Service groups

Services can be added only to specific groups of services. Groups are created in Settings in Service groups tab.


Pic. 5.3. One of the service groups

You can delete or edit a group using buttons.


Pic. 5.4. Service groups settings

To create a new group, press Add and enter a name for it.


Pic. 5.5. Adding new service group

5.3.2. NGW Web Maps

NextGIS Web is a server-based geoinformation system for gathering, storing, visualising and analyzing geospacial data.

NGW Web Maps service allows to created cached tile services based on Web Maps created in NextGIS Web.

Administrator enters URL of a Web Map in NextGIS Web, service name and scale limits for caching. After that the service will appear in the list. Service can be modified or deleted.

Working with the service does not engage NextGIS Web itself, so the service can handle high peak loads and reduce the load on NextGIS Web.


Pic. 5.6. Button for creating new service


Pic. 5.7. Parameters for the new service


Pic. 5.8. Newly created sevice in the group

5.3.3. External TMS

GeoServices allows to add, cache and use external TMS.


Pic. 5.9. Button for creating new service

Enter name for the service, URL of the TMS service, select coordinate system and scale limits. The newly created service will appear in the selected group. Service can be modified or deleted.


Pic. 5.10. Parameters for the new TMS service


Pic. 5.11. Newly created TMS sevice in the group