1. Get Started with NextGIS
2. NextGIS Toolbox
3. NextGIS Data
4. NextGIS GeoServices
5. NextGIS Geoservices on-premise
6. NextGIS Web
7. NextGIS Web 3D
8. Plugins for QGIS
9. NextGIS Connect for QGIS
10. NextGIS Mobile
11. NextGIS Formbuilder
12. NextGIS Collector
12.1. Installation
12.2. Authorization
12.3. Working with projects
12.4. Basic operations
12.5. Advanced tools
13. NextGIS Tracker
14. NextGIS ID
15. NextGIS Web for developers
16. NextGIS QMS Service API
17. NextGIS Formbuilder for developers
18. NextGIS Web Docker (ngwdocker)
NextGIS Collector
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NextGIS Collector
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12.1. Installation
12.2. Authorization
12.2.1. Via cloud server (
12.2.2. Via on-premise (NGIDOP)
12.2.3. Change user
12.3. Working with projects
12.3.1. Offline data collection
12.4. Basic operations
12.4.1. Add a point
12.4.2. Edit a point on the map
12.4.3. Add a line
12.4.4. Editing lines
12.4.5. Add a polygon
12.4.6. Editing polygons
12.4.7. Zoom and current location
12.4.8. Tracks
12.4.9. Synchronization
12.5. Advanced tools
12.5.1. How to share backup
12.5.2. Logging
12.5.3. Simulation of location data