12.2. Authorization
12.2.1. Via cloud server (my.nextgis.com)
For subscribed users, authorization in the NextGIS Collector application is carried out via https://my.nextgis.com/ server by default. The email and password from the cloud NextGIS ID are used as a login and password for app.
12.2.2. Via on-premise (NGIDOP)
For authorization in NextGIS Collector via on-premise server, you must specify the appropriate Endpoint in the authorization settings (см. Pic. 12.2.). If you’re already logged in with my.nextgis.com - log out first.

Pic. 12.2. Adding your own authorization server in NextGIS Collector
12.2.3. Change user
To view the information of the user currently signed in the app, go to the Settings page.
To change the user, press “Sign out from NextGIS” and log in as described above.