2.7. Intersector

The tool intersects all layers of the nextgis.com web map using the specified geometry and generates a report listing the layers, with which the intersection took place. If different features intersect in a separate layer, these cases are displayed as separate events in the report.


  • url - address of the used Web GIS

  • webmap_id - web map ID from used Web GIS

  • wkt - geometry with which the intersection of layers of the web map is checked. Indicated in wkt format, coordinate system - EPSG: 3857


  • .xlsx table with a list of intersected layers

Launch tool: https://toolbox.nextgis.com/operation/ngw-intersect

Usage example:

How many types of anemones can you find on the Appalachian Trail?


Pic. 2.5. Initial Data Example


Pic. 2.6. An example of the result of the tool’s usage