Quickstart tutorial
Quickstart tutorial for advanced users
NextGIS Web - is a server geographical information system (GIS), which allows to store and to edit geodata and to display maps in web browser. Also NextGIS Web can share geodata with other NextGIS software.
NextGIS Web has the following features:
Create and display maps in web browser (unlimited number of maps with different layers and styles)
Flexible access management
Geodata could be loaded from PostGIS or imported from files in GIS formats: ESRI Shape, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF, GeoPackage and many others.
Vector data could be downloaded in the following formats: GeoJSON, CSV, ESRI Shape, DXF, Mapinfo TAB, MIF/MID, GeoPackage.
Map styles could be imported from QGIS project or could be set manually
User can add photos to records, change records attributes, with a support for a WFS-T protocol for editing.
Listed features are available through a REST API from external software
System requirements listed in section “Minimum hardware”.
Integration with other NextGIS software
To manage geodata in NextGIS Web you can use the specialized plugin for NextGIS QGIS - NextGIS Connect.
This software simplifies batch processing of data in NextGIS Web.
Mobile application NextGIS Mobile allows to upload geodata collected in the field directly to Web GIS in online or offline mode.
Several mobile devices could see data changes in a single layer.
Map creation
To create a vector layer from ESRI Shape follow these steps:
Compress a shapefile to a zip-archive
Create a vector layer using a zip-archive through administrator interface
Add a style to newly created vector layer
To create a vector layer from GeoJSON follow these steps:
Create a vector layer from GeoJSON file through administrator interface
Add a style to newly created vector layer
To create a vector layer from PostGIS follow these steps:
Add a PostGIS connection (user login and password are required for access to database)
Add layers using created connection
Create styles for added layers
To create a raster layer follow these steps:
Prepare a raster file meeting the requirements
Create a raster layer from a raster file
Add a style to raster layer
After layers are loaded they should be added to a web map in web map properties page. Then a link to web map could be opened in a web browser.