2.2.42. KML to geodata
Convert KML, KMZ to structured geodata (GeoJSON). This tool can work with attachments (photo) and can parse structured tables added to description of the KML feature.
Source data - KML or KMZ file.
Table fieldnames - optional. Indicate table fieldnames from Description section of KML file, which should be processed. Should be listed without space and separated by comma.
Check for files presence - if checked, the result GeoJSON will mention only the files that are present in the archive indeed.
Ignore extended data - if checked, lc:attachment will be ignored.
Keep Z coordinate -i f checked, Z coordinate will be preserved and PointZ/LinestringZ etc geometries will be created.
ZIP compressed GeoJSON with attachments if any.
Launch tool: https://toolbox.nextgis.com/operation/kml2geodata

Pic. 2.17. Source data example. KML with attributes structured as the table in the description of a feature

Pic. 2.18. Result example. Data opened in QGIS after conversion with the tool
Try it out using our sample:
Download input dataset to test the instrument. Step-by-step instructions included.
Get the output to additionally check the results.