16.2.8. Database migrations
When you change a database structure between revisions and versions, you have to create database migrations. Migrations change a database structure from one state to another.
NextGIS Web provides some tools to work with database migrations. These tools were inspired by alembic library with the additional support of multiple components and dependencies between migrations.
Under the hood, it’s based on git-like tree structure with branches for each
component separately. Single migration is like git’s commit which can be applied
operation) or reverted (rewind
Migrations framework doesn’t support automatic migration creation at this moment. You might expect this, but now you have to write SQL scripts with your own hands. But it may change in the future. Existing components
For example, you have component foo
which model definition had looked
like this:
class FooModel(Base):
__tablename__ = 'foo_model'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
some = db.Column(db.Unicode)
You had decided to add a new field “other” and changed its definition to this:
class FooModel(Base):
__tablename__ = 'foo_model'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
some = db.Column(db.Unicode)
other = db.Column(db.Unicode)
Now you have to create the migration, which adds the other
column to the
corresponding table. You can do this as follows:
$ nextgisweb migration create foo "Add other column"
Migration [foo:2c12ca17] created:
* migration/2c12ca17-add-other-column.fw.sql
* migration/2c12ca17-add-other-column.rw.sql
This command will generate two files, where you should put SQL instruction. The
first one 2c12ca17-add-other-column.fw.sql
is for forwarding migration,
which adds the column. The second one 2c12ca17-add-other-column.rw.sql
rewinding migration, which drops the column and brings a database state to the
You have to put SQL instructions into these files. Don’t remove migrations metadata in the first lines of files and remove a generated placeholder. For example:
/*** {
"revision": "2c12ca17", "parents": ["00000000"],
"date": "2021-01-09T21:57:55",
"message": "Add other column"
} ***/
ALTER TABLE foo_model ADD COLUMN other text;
/*** { "revision": "2c12ca17" } ***/
ALTER TABLE foo_model DROP COLUMN other;
Now you can apply it using:
$ nextgisweb migration forward --no-dry-run foo:2c12ca17
Or undo it with:
$ nextgisweb migration rewind --no-dry-run foo:2c12ca17
Each nextgisweb migration *
command which changes a database state doesn’t
change without --no-dry-run
option. You can use commands without this
option to review what command will do.
To review the current database state you can use nextgisweb migration status
command. It will show this migration:
$ nextgisweb migration status
A | | Migration | Message
+ | | foo:00000000 | Initial migration
+ | FR | foo:2c12ca17 | Add other column
After that, you have to commit these files to git repository. The command
nextgisweb migration upgrade
will apply them during the standard upgrade
process. New components
When you create a new NextGIS Web component, you shouldn’t create the initial
migration. Migration framework detects the presence of metadata and
automatically creates initial migration with revision id 00000000
For example, you’ve created the component bar
with a model like this:
class BarModel(Base):
__tablename__ = 'bar_model'
id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
some = db.Column(db.Unicode)
Now you can ask NextGIS Web to create tables for this component:
Previously, you could use nextgisweb initialize_db
, but now you should use
nextgisweb migration install
$ nextgisweb migration install --no-dry-run bar
Moreover, you can ask to drop tables for this (or any other component) with the following command:
$ nextgisweb migration uninstall --no-dry-run bar
Thus nextgisweb migration install
and nextgisweb migration uninstall
commands provide the way to install and uninstall components. Python migrations
Sometimes it’s hard or impossible to write migration logic using SQL only. In this case, it’s possible to use Python module as a migration. So, a migration module can be created this way:
$ nextgisweb migration create --format python foo "Add another column"
Migration [foo:2e89a6fc] created:
* migration/2e89a6fc-add-another-column.py
It works the same way as SQL migrations, but forward and rewind migrations are both in one file.
""" {
"revision": "2e89a6fc", "parents": ["2c12ca17"],
"date": "2021-01-09T22:47:12",
"message": "Add another column"
} """
def forward(ctx):
pass # TODO: Write code here and remove this placeholder line!
def rewind(ctx):
pass # TODO: Write code here and remove this placeholder line!
The global env
object can be accessed by ctx.env
attribute. But keep in
mind that migration code is executed on outdated database structure. It means
that you shouldn’t use SQLAlchemy models there.