9.4. Form controls

9.4.1. Tabs

Tabs grouping for other elements.


  • Current page. Current page which should be displayed by default.

  • Headers. A list of header strings.

9.4.2. Date & time

An element which allows to pick a date, time or date&time value.


  • Is current. Automatically assigns current value during the data collecting process. Otherwise user will be able to pick it manually.

  • Type. Type.

  • Initial value. Initial fixed date/time value.

  • Keep last value. Whether to keep last entered value for this element during data collecting process.

9.4.3. Distance meter

This element automatically measures distance between current position of the point and current position of the surveyor.

9.4.4. Dependent comboboxes

A pair of drop-down lists with predefined items. The item list of the dependent combobox depends on the items of the main combobox.


  • Items. Lists of items for both comboboxes.

  • Keep last value. Whether to keep last entered value for this element during data collecting process.

9.4.5. Coordinates

An element which automatically saves current geographical coordinates in text format.


  • Is hidden. Do not show this element. The coordinates will be written to the layer’s field(s) anyway.

  • CRS. Coordinate Reference System.

  • Format. The format of the string which will be written to the layer’s field(s).

9.4.6. Label

An element which displays static text


  • Text. Displayed text.

9.4.7. Signature field

A field for signature.

9.4.8. Void space

Void space for making indents.

9.4.9. Radiogroup

A list with predefined items which allows the selection of only one value.


  • Keep last value. Whether to keep last entered value for this element during data collecting process.

  • Items. A list of items (must have at least two items).

9.4.10. Splitted combobox

A drop-down list with predefined items splitted by two parts. Each item has an inner value for saving and a pair of displayed values. E.g. the collector will be able to see the same item but in different languages.


  • Caption (left). Static text which will be placed above this element (at left).

  • Caption (right). Static text which will be placed above this element (at right).

  • Items. A list of items.

  • Keep last value. Whether to keep last entered value for this element during data collecting process.

9.4.11. Combobox

A drop-down list with predefined items which allows the selection of only one value.


  • Items. A list of items.

  • Keep last value. Whether to keep last entered value for this element during data collecting process.

  • Own items. User can add own items to this combobox.

  • Input with search. Whether to show or not corresponding items during typing in this combobox.

9.4.12. Counter

An element which automatically adds values based on some predefined format.


  • Increment. The value which is added to the current counter’s value each time user collects data about an object.

  • Initial value. Initial value from which incrementing starts.

  • Prefix. A text which is added before the counter’s value. If this text is not void the counter writes its value as a string.

  • Suffix. A text which is added after the counter’s value. If this text is not void the counter writes its value as a string.

  • Prefix from list. Prefix from list.

  • Suffix from list. Suffix from list.

9.4.13. Average counter

An element which counts an average value from some amount of entered values.


  • Number of values. How many values a collector can enter to count an average value.

9.4.14. Text edit

An element for editing simple text or numbers.


  • Initial text. Initial text.

  • Keep last value. Whether to keep last entered value for this element during data collecting process.

  • Max. lines count. Maximum number of lines for this text edit.

  • NextGIS ID login. The value in this text edit will be replaced with user’s NextGIS ID login.

  • NextGIS Web login. The value in this text edit will be replaced with user’s login if the connection with NextGIS Web is established during the data collecting process.

  • Only numbers. This element can accept only numbers.

9.4.15. Checkbox

An element which allows user to pick from two values: true or false.


  • Initial value. Initial value.

  • Keep last value. Whether to keep last entered value for this element during data collecting process.

  • Text. Displayed text

9.4.16. Photo

An element which allows to take photos with embedded camera or to add them from the gallery.


  • Max. photo count. Maximum number of photos.

  • Comment. Comment under photo(s).