16.1. NextGIS iOS SDK
16.1.1. Intro
NextGIS iOS SDK is a set of libraries used to support work with geodata in mobile applications for iPhone and iPad. The SDK includes:
nextgis_datastore library
ios_maplib library
The nextgis_datastore library is written in С++11
and based on GDAL. The library supports the following functionality:
create, modify and delete geodata (raster and vector)
edit vector geodata (modify geometry and attributes)
geodata management (copy, move, various formats import/export, etc.)
geodata rendering as maps using OpenGL/OpenGL ES
utility functions (network requests, oAuth2, json)
/NextGIS Web
integration (under development)
The library has С API
and bindings to android java/kotlin programming languages using jni
The ios_maplib library is written in Swift
and acts as easy wrapper around C API nextgis_datastore.
16.1.2. Install
To use SDK the Xcode 8 or higher required. Also the Carthage
utility required. Carthage is intended to be the simplest way to add frameworks to your Cocoa application. To install Carthage follow instruction at Cathage site.
In your project folder create Cartfile
with following text:
github "nextgis/ios_maplib"
In terminal execute command:
carthage update --platform "iOS"
The command will download and install all necessary components.
16.1.3. Add to project
To display current location on the map you need to add to Info.plist following pair fr key-value with String
Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description | String | Shows your location on the map
In your project General settings
tab in Linked Frameworks and Libraries
section, drag & drop``ngstore.framework`` and ngmaplib.framework
from Carthage/Build/iOS

Pic. 16.1. Linked Frameworks and Libraries section in General settings tab.
Next you need to setup copying of ngstore.framework
and ngmaplib.framework
to building directory. In Build Phases
tab click the +
icon and in context menu select New Run Script Phase
. In Run Script
section add following text to the script area below the Shell
/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
Next add following lines to Input Files

Pic. 16.2. Build Phases tab.
The details see in Carthage documentaion.
The library was build with disabled bitcode option, so you need to disable it in your project as well. In your project settings select Build Settings
tab and set option Enable bitcode NO
for both build types (Debug and Release).

Pic. 16.3. Build Settings tab.
In the end add to your View controller the GLK View
and set as a custom class MapView
class from ngmaplib
module or some derived class.

Pic. 16.4. Map view form setup.
16.1.4. SDK API References
The SDK API reference can be found in documentation.