16.2. NextGIS Android SDK
16.2.1. Intro
NextGIS Android SDK is a set of libraries used to support work with geodata in mobile applications for Android OS. The SDK includes:
nextgis_datastore library
android_maplib library
The nextgis_datastore library is written in С++11
and based on GDAL. The library supports the following functionality:
create, modify and delete geodata (raster and vector)
edit vector geodata (modify geometry and attributes)
geodata management (copy, move, various formats import/export, etc.)
geodata rendering as maps using OpenGL/OpenGL ES
utility functions (network requests, oAuth2, json)
/NextGIS Web
integration (under development)
The library has С API
and bindings to android java/kotlin programming languages using jni
android_maplib library is written on Kotlin
and acts as easy wrapper around C API nextgis_datastore.
16.2.2. Install
To use SDK the Android Studio required. You need to add SDK to your project.
16.2.3. Add to project
To add NextGIS Mobile SDK
to your project follow these steps:
Launch Android Studio.
Open you application
file.Make sure that the parameter
has API level 14 or higher.Add following line to dependency block:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.nextgis.maplib:maplib:3.0.+'
16.2.4. Add map
You need to add map into your application:
As soon as possible initialize the library:
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) API.init(this@MainActivity) }
into the application layout:<com.nextgis.maplib.MapView android:id="@+id/mapView" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" app:layout_constraintBottom_toBottomOf="parent" app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf="parent" app:layout_constraintRight_toRightOf="parent" app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
Create or open map document file:
val map = API.getMap("main")
Link map with view and enable rendering (rendering is frozen by default):
val mapView = findViewById<MapView>(R.id.mapView) if(mapView != null) { mapView.setMap(map) } mapView.freeze = false
16.2.5. Create feature class
To create feature class in datastore follow these steps:
Get or create datastore. You can select any name for a datastore (i.e., store).
val dataStore = API.getStore("store")
Create feature class in a datastore with needed definitions.
val options = mapOf( "CREATE_OVERVIEWS" to "ON", "ZOOM_LEVELS" to "2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14" ) val fields = listOf( Field("long", "long", Field.Type.REAL), Field("lat", "lat", Field.Type.REAL), Field("datetime", "datetime", Field.Type.DATE, "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"), Field("name", "name", Field.Type.STRING) ) val pointsFC = dataStore.createFeatureClass("points", Geometry.Type.POINT, fields, options)
Load spatial data to the feature class.
// create coordinates list data class PtCoord(val name: String, val x: Double, val y: Double) val coordinates = listOf( PtCoord("Moscow", 37.616667, 55.75), PtCoord("London", -0.1275, 51.507222), PtCoord("Washington", -77.016389, 38.904722), PtCoord("Beijing", 116.383333, 39.916667) ) // Project from EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857 val coordTransform = CoordinateTransformation.new(4326, 3857) for(coordinate in coordinates) { val feature = pointsFC.createFeature() if(feature != null) { val geom = feature.createGeometry() as? GeoPoint if(geom != null) { val point = Point(coordinate.x, coordinate.y) val transformPoint = coordTransform.transform(point) geom.setCoordinates(transformPoint) feature.geometry = geom feature.setField(0, coordinate.x) feature.setField(1, coordinate.y) feature.setField(3, coordinate.name) pointsFC.insertFeature(feature) } } }
16.2.6. Load feature class to datastore
To load feature class from GIS file format to datastore follow these steps:
Get or create datastore. You can select any name for a datastore (i.e., store).
val dataStore = API.getStore("store")
From catalog get a feature class object if GIS file format and copy it to the datastore.
val tmpDir = API.getTmpDirectory() val testGeojsonObj = tmpDir?.child("test.geojson") val copyOptions = mapOf( "CREATE_OVERVIEWS" to "ON", "NEW_NAME" to "trees" ) val createResult = testGeojsonObj?.copy(Object.Type.FC_GPKG, store!!, true, copyOptions) ?: false val treesFC = Object.forceChildToFeatureClass(store?.child("trees")!!)
16.2.7. Create raster
To create raster set following settings:
raster extent
XYZ source URL
minimum and maximum zoom levels
raster spatial reference in EPSG code
val bbox = Envelope(-20037508.34, 20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34) val baseMap = dataDir.createTMS("osm.wconn", "http://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", 3857, 0, 18, bbox, bbox, 14)
16.2.8. Add layer to a map with style
To add new layer to the map you need:
Add vector layer to a map
val pointsLayer = map.addLayer("Points", pointsFC)
Set style name
pointsLayer.styleName = "pointsLayer"
Setup style
val style = pointsLayer.style style.setString("color", colorToHexString(Color.rgb(0, 190,120))) style.setDouble("size", 8.0) style.setInteger("type", 6) // Star symbol
Apply modified style to the layer
pointsLayer.style = style
16.2.9. SDK API References
The section is in progress