2.2.62. Statistics of points and tracks in polygons from NGW
Calculating the number of points per kilometer of tracks inside polygons, all data from NextGIS Web
Web GIS address. Example: https://sandbox.nextgis.com
Web GIS user login
Web GIS user password
Resource ID of the vector layer that contains polygons
Name of the field with the name in the polygon layer. The names of the polygons (for example, area names or grid cell numbers) will be used in the report
Resource ID of the vector layer that contains points
Fields with point categories. You can specify multiple attributes separated by commas, for example: author,species. Leave the input blank if you do not need to use point categories for calculations
The name of the field that stores the date the point was registered. Leave blank if you do not need to filter points by date
Start date for filtering tracks and points. Recorded in the format yyyy-mm-dd, for example 2024-02-01. Leave input empty to use tracks from first day of database
End date for filtering tracks and points. Recorded in the format yyyy-mm-dd, for example 2024-02-01. Leave input empty to use all tracks up to today
List of trackers whose data needs to be processed. Tracker IDs are written in comma-separated format, for example 314,318,340. Leave blank to use all available trackers
Checkbox - Split statistics by trackers. Use tracker ID as another category for calculating statistics
Checkbox - Ignore polygons without tracks. Do not include statistics when there are points in polygon, but no tracks
CSV file with report
The ID of resources and trackers can be obtained through the web interface of the Web GIS used. Open the resource of the vector layer or tracker, its address in the browser will look like https://demo.nextgis.com/resource/6895. ID is the number on the right side of the address, in this case 6895
Tool workflow:
Loading vector layers with polygons and points from Web GIS
Loading data from all (or specified) trackers from Web GIS
Calculating track lengths in each polygon, with or without division by individual trackers, depending on the launch parameters
Calculating the number of points in each polygon, with or without division by categories from attributes, depending on the launch parameters
Calculating statistics on the number of points per 1 km of tracks in each polygon, taking into account all previous divisions - by individual trackers or by all, by all points or with division by categories
Generating a report
Launch tool: https://toolbox.nextgis.com/operation/points_on_tracks_stats
Try it out using our sample:
Download input dataset to test the instrument. Step-by-step instructions included.
Get the output to additionally check the results.