2.2.46. Landsat radiometric calibration
The tool converts the Landsat raw data into radiation intensity (ToA Radiance).
Landsat band initial File
Processing level L1 file from the original Landsat data archive. The name can be anything. Data can be pre-trimmed, etc.
Band number
The band number corresponding to the downloaded file. Usually a number, for ETM + it can also be 6_VCID_1 and 6_VCID_2
Landsat Metadata File
Text file from the original Landsat data archive. Depending on the data type, it is a * MTL.txt or * .MTL file.
The radiation intensity of the corresponding band in the GeoTIFF format
Radiometric calibration is necessary for time series analysis, calculation of derivative products (for example, index images).
Supported data:
Landsat 8 (OLI, TIRS)
Landsat 7 (ETM+)
Landsat 5 (TM)
Landsat 4 (TM)
Launch tool: https://toolbox.nextgis.com/operation/landsat_to_radiance
Try it out using our sample:
Download input dataset to test the instrument. Step-by-step instructions included.
Get the output to additionally check the results.