2.2.38. Improve DEM

Improves Digital Elevation Model, makes the resulting contour lines smoother and simpler.

Input, all fields are required:

  • Raster file - DEM file in TIFF format downloaded from NextGIS Data;

  • Interpolation method used to enhance the DEM file. Available methods: nearest, bilinear, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average, rms, mode;

  • Interval between contours - Vertical step of the contour lines in meters;

  • Simplification step for the contour lines. Integer (for example, 2), decimal separated by a dot (for example, 0.02) or exponential notation (for example, 2e-2)

  • Refinement, % - Improvement of the DEM file resolution, in percents. Shows how much the pixel size should increase/decrease. For example, a value of 1000 % will result in 10 times smaller pixels


  • TIFF file of the refined DEM;

  • GeoPackage file of the contour lines.


Pic. 2.14. Input raster


Pic. 2.15. Processed raster and contours generated from it

Launch tool: https://toolbox.nextgis.com/t/improvedem

Try it out using our sample:

Download input dataset to test the instrument. Step-by-step instructions included.

Get the output to additionally check the results.