16.1.8. File upload Single file upload

Execute folowing request to upload a file:

POST /api/component/file_upload/

File upload request.

Form Parameters
  • file – file data

  • name – file name

Status Codes

Next multipart POST request follow. Request includes following form parameters: name = “file name”

Example request:

POST /api/component/file_upload/ HTTP/1.1
Host: ngw_url
Accept: */*


Response in JSON format with file details returned on success:

Example response body:

  "upload_meta": [
      "id": "0eddf759-86d3-4fe0-b0f1-869fe783d2ed",
      "mime_type": "application/octet-stream",
      "name": "ngw1_1.zip",
      "size": 2299

Also you can create attachment using PUT method, in this case you do not need to set file name

Example add attachment to feature on Python:

import requests
import urllib2
from contextlib import closing
import json

url_dst = 'http://dev.nextgis.com/sandbox/api'
ngw_creds = ('administrator', 'demodemo')
feature_dst = '/resource/' + '1501' + '/feature/'   #layer id
new_id = '/33'          #feature id

#Get file from internet, optionally with auth
with closing(requests.get('http://nextgis.ru/wp-content/themes/nextgis_clean/img/ngw_icon.png', auth=ngw_creds, stream=True)) as f:

    #upload attachment to nextgisweb
    req = requests.put(url_dst + '/component/file_upload/', data=f, auth=ngw_creds)
    #on some servers needed data=f.content instead

    json_data = req.json()
    json_data['name'] = 'Picture001.jpg'

    attach_data = {}
    attach_data['file_upload'] = json_data

    #add attachment to nextgisweb feature
    req = requests.post(url_dst + feature_dst + str(new_id) + '/attachment/', data=json.dumps(attach_data), auth=ngw_creds)

Example of forming multipart POST body in Qt:

QHttpMultiPart *multipart = new QHttpMultiPart(QHttpMultiPart::FormDataType);

QHttpPart part;
               QVariant("form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"form.ngfp\""));
part.setBody(file_contents); // pass QByteArray reference

multipart->append(part); Multiple file upload

For multiple file upload execute the following request:

POST /api/component/file_upload/

Multiple files upload request

Form Parameters
  • name – must be “files[]”

In name field must be file name and path (multipart POST request).

Response in JSON format with files details returned on success:

Example response body:

  "upload_meta": [
      "id": "b5c02d94-e1d7-40cf-b9c7-79bc9cca429d",
      "mime_type": "application/octet-stream",
      "name": "grunt_area_2_multipolygon.cpg",
      "size": 5
      "id": "d8457f14-39cb-4f9d-bb00-452a381fa62e",
      "mime_type": "application/x-dbf",
      "name": "grunt_area_2_multipolygon.dbf",
      "size": 36607
      "id": "1b0754f8-079d-4675-9367-36531da247e1",
      "mime_type": "application/octet-stream",
      "name": "grunt_area_2_multipolygon.prj",
      "size": 138
      "id": "a34b5ab3-f3a5-4a60-835d-318e601d34df",
      "mime_type": "application/x-esri-shape",
      "name": "grunt_area_2_multipolygon.shp",
      "size": 65132
      "id": "fb439bfa-1a63-4384-957d-ae57bb5eb67b",
      "mime_type": "application/x-esri-shape",
      "name": "grunt_area_2_multipolygon.shx",
      "size": 1324