20.1.5. Development mode When to rebuild images
Although in development mode package sources are mapped from docker host some changes requires to rebuild docker images:
Changes in
Changes in
Images built with ngwdocker actively use Dockerfile caching so minor changes are built quickly. So starting an extra build should not be a problem even if nothing has changed.
$ ngwdocker && docker-compose build Multiple environments on same host
You can use multiple environments on same host. Just clone this repository into different directories.
$ git clone git@github.com:nextgis/ngwdocker.git ngwdocker_py2
$ git clone git@github.com:nextgis/ngwdocker.git ngwdocker_py3
You can share package
directory between environments with bind mount (
which requires root access):
$ cd ngwdocker_py3
$ sudo mount --bind ../ngwdocker_py2/package package Usefull commands during development
Run arbitrary nextgisweb
command, initialize_db
for example:
$ docker-compose run --rm app nextgisweb initialize_db
or for translating:
$ docker-compose run --rm app nextgisweb-i18n --package nextgisweb extract webmap
$ docker-compose run --rm app nextgisweb-i18n --package nextgisweb update webmap
$ docker-compose run --rm app nextgisweb-i18n --package nextgisweb compile webmap
Run pytest tests:
$ docker-compose run --rm app python -m pytest package/
Start from scratch. so command will DESTROY all data, including database and data files:
$ docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes