17.1. General

This page describes the syntax of “form.json” file which is a part of NextGIS Formbuilder project file (with “.ngfp” extension). The file uses the JSON specification rules and is encoded in UTF-8.

17.2. Syntax

Example of the “form.json” file which represents a form with two elements for entering person’s name:

    "attributes" : {
       "text" : "Person"
    "type" : "text_label"
    "attributes" : null,
    "type" : "space"
    "attributes" : {
       "field" : "researcher",
       "last" : true,
       "max_string_count" : 1,
       "ngid_login" : false,
       "ngw_login" : false,
       "only_figures" : false,
       "text" : "John Smith"
    "type" : "text_edit"

All elements are always arranged vertically on the form in a strict order, so the root of the file is an array of objects.

<json jsonobj attributes

Contains several pairs where each name can only be one of the reserved attribute’s keynames. The set of pairs depends on the type of the element. Note: if the element has no attributes the null value is correct.

<json string type

Can only be one of the reserved elem’s keynames.

17.3. Elements

17.3.1. Checkbox




  • json string field: The name of the layer’s field to which this element saves its value. Can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json bool init_value: Initial value: on/off.

  • json bool last: Whether to keep value for further sessions of data collection.

  • json string text: Text which displays near the box of this checkbox. Can be void string.


  "attributes" : {
     "field" : "voice_desc",
     "init_value" : false,
     "last" : false,
     "text" : "Have voice description"
  "type" : "checkbox"

17.3.2. Combobox




  • json bool allow_adding_values: Whether to allow user to add own items to this combobox during data collection.

  • json string field: The name of the layer’s field to which this element saves its value. Can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json bool input_search: Whether to show all corresponding items from this combobox at the time when user types some text.

  • json bool last: Whether to keep value for further sessions of data collection.

  • json int ngw_id: Currently always = -1.

  • json array values: The list of items for this combobox. An array of JSON objects where each one has two (or three) pairs of name-values. See below.

  • json string alias: Alias (displayed value) for the item. Can not be void string.

  • json string name: Name (inner value) for the item. Can not be void string.

  • json bool default: If exists: whether this item is showed as default one before user enters this combobox. The value is always true.


  "attributes" : {
     "allow_adding_values" : false,
     "field" : "tree_type",
     "input_search" : false,
     "last" : true,
     "ngw_id" : -1,
     "values" : [
           "alias" : "Pine tree",
           "name" : "1"
           "alias" : "Oak tree",
           "default": true,
           "name" : "2"
           "alias" : "Olive tree",
           "name" : "3"
  "type" : "combobox"

17.3.3. Coordinates




  • json int crs: Coordinate Reference System. Currently always = 0 which refers to “EPSG:4326” (WGS 84).

  • json string field_lat: The name of the layer’s field to which this element saves its latitude value. Can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json string field_long: The name of the layer’s field to which this element saves its longitude value. Can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json int format: Format of the string. Currently always = 0 which refers to “dd.dddddd”.

  • json bool hidden: Whether this element will not be shown to user on the mobile device.


  "attributes" : {
     "crs" : 0,
     "field_lat" : "lat_str",
     "field_long" : "lon_str",
     "format" : 0,
     "hidden" : false
  "type" : "coordinates"

17.3.4. Counter




  • json string field: The name of the layer’s field to which this element saves its value. Note: can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json int increment: The value which is added to the current value each session of data collection. Range: from 1 to 65535.

  • json int init_value: Initial value from which incrementing starts. Range: from 0 to 65535.

  • json string prefix: Text string to add before the current counter’s number. Can be void string.

  • json string suffix: Text string to add after the current counter’s number. Can be void string.

  • json string prefix_from_list: Currently unused and is always null.

  • json string suffix_from_list: Currently unused and is always null.


  "attributes" : {
     "field" : "id_collector",
     "increment" : 1,
     "init_value" : 0,
     "prefix" : "XX",
     "prefix_from_list": null,
     "suffix" : "NV",
     "suffix_from_list": null
  "type" : "counter"

17.3.5. Date & Time




  • json int date_type: What to save for this date-time element. Possible types: 1) 1 for date, 2) 2 for time, 3) 3 for date and time.

  • json string datetime: Initial value for this date-time element. The string with date is always written in the specific format. Possible formats (according to types): 1) yyyy-MM-dd, 2) HH:mm:ss, 3) yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Note: can be null which means that the current date/time/date-time will be written on the mobile device.

  • json string field: The name of the layer’s field to which this element saves its value. Can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json bool last: Whether to keep value for further sessions of data collection.


  "attributes" : {
     "date_type" : 1,
     "datetime" : "2016-01-01 15:00:00",
     "field" : "time",
     "last" : false
  "type" : "date_time"

17.3.6. Distance meter




  • json string field: The name of the layer’s field to which this element saves its value. Can be null if there was no field selected.


    "attributes": {
        "field": "dist_to_target"
    "type": "distance"

17.3.7. Double combobox




  • json string field_level1: The name of the layer’s field to which the first (main) combobox saves its value. Can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json string field_level2: The name of the layer’s field to which the second (dependant) combobox saves its value. Can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json bool last: Whether to keep values for further sessions of data collection.

  • json array values: The list of items for the first (main) combobox. An array of JSON objects where each one has three (or four) pairs of name-values. See below. Note: if user had not defined any items for the first (main) combobox - the stub item is pasted with “alias”:”–” and “name”:”-1”.

  • json string alias: Alias (displayed value) for the item.

  • json string name: Name (inner value) for the item.

  • json bool default: If exists: whether this item is showed as default one before user enters the first (main) combobox. The value is always true.

  • json array values: The list of items for the second (dependant) combobox. An array of JSON objects where each one has two (or three) pairs of name-values.


  "attributes" : {
     "field_level1" : "state",
     "field_level2" : "city",
     "last" : true,
     "values" : [
           "alias" : "California",
           "name" : "CA",
           "values" : [
                 "alias" : "Los Angeles",
                 "name" : "1"
                 "alias" : "San Francisco",
                 "name" : "2"
                 "alias" : "Sacramento",
                 "default" : true,
                 "name" : "3"
           "alias" : "New York",
           "name" : "NY",
           "values" : [
                 "alias" : "Albany",
                 "default" : true,
                 "name" : "4"
                 "alias" : "New York",
                 "name" : "5"
           "alias" : "Oregon",
           "name" : "OR",
           "values" : [
                 "alias" : "--",
                 "name" : "-1"
  "type" : "double_combobox"

17.3.8. Label




  • json string text: Text which displays in this text label. Can be a void string.


  "attributes" : {
     "text" : "Biotope"
  "type" : "text_label"

17.3.9. Photo




  • json int gallery_size: The maximum amount of photos user can make. Range: from 1 to 5.


  "attributes" : {
     "gallery_size" : 1
  "type" : "photo"

17.3.10. Radiogroup




  • json string field: The name of the layer’s field to which this element saves its value. Can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json bool last: Whether to keep value for further sessions of data collection.

  • json array values: The list of items for this combobox. An array of JSON objects where each one has two (or three) pairs of name-values. See below. Note: the array must have at least two items and one of them is always default.

  • json string alias: Alias (displayed value) for the item. Can not be void string.

  • json string name: Name (inner value) for the item. Can not be void string.

  • json bool default: If exists: whether this item is showed as default one before user enters this radiogroup. The value is always true.


  "attributes" : {
     "field" : "tree_type",
     "last" : false,
     "values" : [
           "alias" : "Pine tree",
           "default" : true,
           "name" : "1"
           "alias" : "Oak tree",
           "name" : "2"
  "type" : "radio_group"

17.3.11. Signature




No attributes


  "attributes" : null,
  "type" : "signature"

17.3.12. Space




No attributes


  "attributes" : null,
  "type" : "space"

17.3.13. Splitted combobox




  • json string field: The name of the layer’s field to which this element saves its value. Can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json bool last: Whether to keep value for further sessions of data collection.

  • json array values: The list of items for this combobox.

  • json string label1: Left caption above the combobox.

  • json string label2: Right caption above the combobox.

  • json string alias: Left alias (displayed value) for the item. Can not be void string.

  • json string alias2: Right alias (displayed value) for the item. Can not be void string.

  • json string name: Name (inner value) for the item. Can not be void string.

  • json bool default: If exists: whether this item is showed as default one before user enters this combobox. The value is always true.


    "attributes": {
        "field": "tree_type",
        "label1": "Latin name",
        "label2": "Italian name",
        "last": false,
        "values": [
                "alias": "Viburnum lantana",
                "alias2": "Viburno",
                "default": true,
                "name": "1472"
                "alias": "Buxus sempervirens",
                "alias2": "Bosso",
                "name": "6741"
                "alias": "Prunus persica",
                "alias2": "Pesco",
                "name": "1128"
    "type": "split_combobox"

17.3.14. Tabs




No attributes

Other keys

  • json array pages: An array of objects where each has the following keys: “caption”, “elements” and optionally “default”.

  • json string caption: A text which is displayed in the header of the page.

  • json array elements: An array of objects similar to the main form array of objects.

  • json bool default: If this key exists and is equal to true than this page is default-showed to the user.


    "attributes": {
    "pages": [
            "caption": "TAB 1",
            "elements": [
                    "attributes": {
                        "date_type": 2,
                        "datetime": null,
                        "field": "field_1",
                        "last": false
                    "type": "date_time"
                    "attributes": {
                        "field": "field_2"
                    "type": "distance"
            "caption": "TAB 2",
            "elements": [
            "caption": "TAB 3",
            "default": true,
            "elements": [
                  "attributes" : {
                     "text" : "Some text"
                  "type" : "text_label"
    "type": "tabs"

17.3.15. Text edit




  • json string field: The name of the layer’s field to which this element saves its value. Can be null if there was no field selected.

  • json bool last: Whether to keep value for further sessions of data collection.

  • json int max_string_count: How much strings (not symbols!) can be entered to this text edit.

  • json bool ngid_login: Whether to replace the value of this text edit with NextGIS ID login. Mutually exclusive with “ngw_login”.

  • json bool ngw_login: Whether to replace the value of this text edit with NextGIS Web login. Mutually exclusive with “ngid_login”.

  • json bool only_figures: Whether to allow only numbers for user input to this text edit.

  • json string text: Initial text which displays in this text edit before user enters it. Can be a void string.


  "attributes" : {
     "field" : "researcher",
     "last" : true,
     "max_string_count" : 1,
     "ngid_login": false,
     "ngw_login" : false,
     "only_figures" : false,
     "text" : "Researcher"
  "type" : "text_edit"