1.28. How to manage Fonts for Web Map

NestGIS Web allows to upload custom fonts in addition to system ones.

To manage fonts, go the Settings section of the Control panel.


Pic. 1.110. Font management in Control panel

Font management page has a list of custom fonts. If no additional fonts have been uploaded, the list is empty.

To view the pre-installed fonts, tick “Show system fonts”.


Pic. 1.111. Viewing system fonts

1.28.1. How to add a font

Users can add custom fonts.


The font must be used as labels in the appropriate QGIS style for the layer to which you want to apply this font. More about labels in QGIS.

Technical requirements:

  • TTF or OTF format;

  • File size up to 10MB;

  • Filename only has basic latin characters, numbers, underscore (_) and dash (-).

To add a custom font, on the Font management page press Upload and select the font file from your device.


Pic. 1.112. Uploading custom font

To install the font the Web GIS needs to restart. Make sure there are no ongoing requests, restarting Web GIS aborts them.


Pic. 1.113. Web GIS restart alert

Press Ok to complete font uploading.

After the installation is complete, the new font will appear in the list, marked as “Custom”.


Pic. 1.114. Custom font added successfully

1.28.2. How to delete a custom font

Only custom fonts added by users can be deleted.

To delete a font, go to Font management page of the Control panel. Tick the font you’d like to delete.

Press Delete. While deleting a font, as while installing one, Web GIS needs to be restarted.


Pic. 1.115. Deleting custom font