Documentation for MapLib/Url.swift

class Request

HTTP request class.

static func get(url: String, options: [String: String]? = nil) (status: Int, value: String)

Executes get request.

# Request option values.

Request options are key-value array. The keys may be:

  • CONNECTTIMEOUT”: “val”, where val is in seconds (possibly with decimals)

  • TIMEOUT”: “val”, where val is in seconds. This is the maximum delay for the whole request to complete before being aborted

  • LOW_SPEED_TIME”: “val”, where val is in seconds. This is the maximum time where the transfer speed should be below the LOW_SPEED_LIMIT (if not specified 1b/s), before the transfer to be considered too slow and aborted

  • LOW_SPEED_LIMIT”: “val”, where val is in bytes/second. See LOW_SPEED_TIME. Has only effect if LOW_SPEED_TIME is specified too

  • HEADERS”: “val”, where val is an extra header to use when getting a web page For example “Accept: application/x-ogcwkt”

  • COOKIE”: “val”, where val is formatted as COOKIE1=VALUE1; COOKIE2=VALUE2;

  • MAX_RETRY”: “val”, where val is the maximum number of retry attempts if a 502, 503 or 504 HTTP error occurs. Default is 0

  • RETRY_DELAY”: “val”, where val is the number of seconds between retry attempts. Default is 30

See also

Request option values , for a description of the available options.

  • url – URL to execute.

  • options – the array of key-value pairs - String: String.


structure with return status code and String data.

static func delete(url: String, options: [String: String]? = nil) (status: Int, value: String)

Executes delete request.

See also

Request option values , for a description of the available options.

  • url – URL to execute.

  • options – the array of key-value pairs - String: String.


structure with return status code and String data.

static func post(url: String, payload: String, options: [String: String]? = nil) (status: Int, value: String)

Executes post request.

See also

Request option values , for a description of the available options.

  • url – URL to execute.

  • payload – Post payload string.

  • options – the array of key-value pairs - String: String.


structure with return status code and String data.

static func put(url: String, payload: String, options: [String: String]? = nil) (status: Int, value: String)

Executes put request.

See also

Request option values , for a description of the available options.

  • url – URL to execute.

  • payload – Put payload string.

  • options – the array of key-value pairs - String: String.


structure with return status code and String data.

static func getJson(url: String, options: [String: String]? = nil) (status: Int, value: Any?)

Executes get request.

  • url – URL to execute.

  • options – the array of key-value pairs - String: String.


structure with return status code and json data.

static func postJson(url: String, payload: String, options: [String: String]? = nil) (status: Int, value: Any?)

Executes post request.

  • url – URL to execute.

  • payload – Post payload.

  • options – the array of key-value pairs - String: String.


structure with return status code and json data.

static func getRaw(url: String, options: [String: String]? = nil) (status: Int, value: [UInt8]?)

Executes get request. Useful for get images.

  • url – URL to execute.

  • options – the array of key-value pairs - String: String.


structure with return status code and raw data.

static func upload()

Executes upload request.

  • path – Path to file in file system to upload.

  • url – URL to execute.

  • options – the array of key-value pairs - String: String.

  • callback – callback function to show progress or cancel upload.


structure with return status code and json data.

enum requestType : UInt32

Request type.

  • GET: GET request.

  • POST: POST request.

  • PUT: PUT request.

  • DELETE: DELETE request.