Install in CentOS 7

This document is checked and subject to work in CentOS 7. Python 2.7 is required to perform an installation.


To support file names with local names (e.g. ru_RU.UTF-8) it is required that appropriate locale is installed. To check if locale is installed use a command: locale -a To add a new locale use a command: locale-gen ru_RU.utf8

Preparation of the database

PostGIS is absent in the official repository of CentOS 7 so you need to add third party repository. To do this go to address, select the required package for current release of PostgreSQL and install it. For PostgreSQL 9.5 it will look like:

$ sudo yum install

To view a list of all packages available from this repository execute a command:

$ yum list | grep pgdg95

Install PostgreSQL:

$ sudo yum install postgresql95 postgresql95-server postgresql95-libs \
postgresql95-contrib postgresql95-devel

Initialize a database and enable autolaunch with the system start:

$ sudo /usr/pgsql-9.5/bin/postgresql95-setup initdb
$ sudo systemctl start postgresql-9.5.service
$ sudo systemctl enable postgresql-9.5.service

Create a user who would be used as database.user in config.ini (see further):

$ sudo -u postgres createuser ngw_admin -P -e

Create a database where NGW will be deployed, the name of database should be the same as in config.ini (see further):

$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O ngw_admin --encoding=UTF8 db_ngw

Edit authentication parameters in corresponding file:

$ sudo nano /var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data/pg_hba.conf

Edit a file so it contains the following strings (change authentication method to md5, if another is specified):

# IPv4 local connections:
host    all             all               md5
# IPv6 local connections:
host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5

Do not forget to restart PostgreSQL:

$ sudo systemctl restart postgresql-9.5.service

Add a repository with PostGIS dependences:

$ sudo yum install epel-release

Install PostGIS:

$ sudo yum install postgis2_95
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d db_ngw -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d db_ngw -c \
'ALTER TABLE geometry_columns OWNER TO ngw_admin;'
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d db_ngw -c \
'ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys OWNER TO ngw_admin;'
$ sudo -u postgres psql -d db_ngw -c \
'ALTER TABLE geography_columns OWNER TO ngw_admin;'

After these operations databases will be created in PostgreSQL with installed PostGIS and a user DB, will become an owner of databases, and also an owner of geometry_columns, georgaphy_columns, spatial_ref_sys tables.

Check if PostGIS functions appeared in a database:

$ psql -h localhost -d db_ngw -U ngw_admin -c "SELECT PostGIS_Full_Version();"

Preparation of basic software

Install pip:

$ sudo yum install python-pip

Install virtualenv:

$ sudo yum install python-virtualenv

Install additional tools:

$ sudo yum install git gdal gdal-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel gcc-c++ \
geos-devel proj-epsg zlib-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel dejavu-sans-fonts

Prepare to NextGIS Web installation

See ngw_install_prepare.

NextGIS Web installation

Set environment variable PATH:

$ export PATH=/usr/pgsql-9.5/bin:$PATH

Install NextGIS Web in development mode. All required packages will be installed:

$ env/bin/pip install -e ./nextgisweb

During packages build process there could occur a lack of memory. (was spotted on a computer with 512 MB of RAM during installation of lxml package), in this case you can increase memory size using a swap file, see more.

Install MapServer

MapServer is absent from repository of CentOS 7 so we built required packages: mapserver and mapserver-python.

Download them and install:

$ sudo yum install fribidi cairo fcgi harfbuzz httpd librsvg2
$ sudo rpm -ivh mapserver-7.0.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm
$ sudo rpm -ivh mapserver-python-7.0.0-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm

After that you need to copy required files to a virtual environment directory used for NextGIS Web.

$ mkdir env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mapscript.egg
$ cp /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/*mapscript* \
$ echo "./mapscript.egg" > env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mapscript.pth

Create a file PKG-INFO:

$ mkdir env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mapscript.egg/EGG-INFO
$ touch env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mapscript.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO

Set the version of MapScript to be used:

$ echo `python -c "import mapscript; print \
'Version: %s' % mapscript.MS_VERSION"` \
> env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mapscript.egg/EGG-INFO/PKG-INFO

For next steps see instructions if section ngw_mapserver_install and further.