Documentation for MapLib/TimeIntervalControl.swift

class TimeIntervalControl : UIControl

Control to set time. For example update timeout or fetch timeout.

var interval : FormTextField!

Text field.

var type : ComboBoxControl!

Combobox button.

var intervalText : String

Time interval text.

var intervalColor : UIColor

Time interval text color.

var intervalTextSize : CGFloat = 17.0

Time interval text size. Default is 17.

var typeTextColor : UIColor

Combobox buttom text color.

var typeTextSize : CGFloat = 17.0

Combobox buttom text size. Default is 17.

var typeImage : UIImage

Combobox buttom drop down image.

var controlsBackgroundColor : UIColor = UIColor.white

Background color.

var borderColor : UIColor =

Border color of input field and combobox button.

var borderRadius : CGFloat = 10.0

Border radius of input field and combobox button.

var borderWidth : CGFloat = 1.0

Border width of input field and combobox button.

func getValueAsDecimal() Int

Get time interval value as decimal.


Control value as decimal.

func getValueAsReal() Double

Get time interval value as double.


Control value as double.

func setValue(real: Double)

Set control value as double.

  • real – Double value.

func setValue(decimal: Int)

Set control value as decimal.

  • decimal – Decimal value.

func getType() IntervalType

Get time interval type.


Time interval type.

func setType(value: IntervalType)

Set time interval type.

  • value – Time interval type.

enum IntervalType

Interval type.

  • SECOND: Second

  • MINUTE: Minute

  • HOUR: Hour

class FormTextField : UITextField

Edit control with text align.